Christian Fellowship
Surely we should not be satisfied with anything less than the Christianity of the New Testament
Welcome to our website.
The McKenzie Fellowship is a group of Christians who, over many years, have walked together in loving friendship. Individually, each of us are pressing “toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” We also carry a passion to preach the Gospel and to assist our brethren to discover the way of God more perfectly.
During the pandemic restrictions we progressively became an online Fellowship. To this day the Sunday meetings on Zoom continue to gather many folk from venues around the world. These are rich and exceptionally warm Fellowship events. Since the untimely passing of our dear Brother Fred Tomlinson, Godly men have stepped in to bring the Word of God in each meeting. The Bible teaching from these events are uploaded to the YouTube channel: “McKenzie Fellowship”.
Messages by Fred Tomlinson which were previously on our YouTube channel, have been uploaded to a new YouTube channel, which may be accessed here. Please visit and subscribe to Fred's new channel.
It’s truly wonderful to have so many of you watching and listening to the videoed messages, but it would be a huge pleasure to have you join us on Sundays. Take a look at Peter Boyle's ‘Warm Invitation’ video.
If you are finding anything here of true profit, please make it known. Invite your friends to join us. Share the link on your social networks. Let’s see what the Lord will do with us all.
“This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes (Psalms 118:23).

Issues we consider to be important
The Christian life is not merely a lifestyle we are left to imitate--it is the actual life of Jesus-received and expressed through the ministry of the Holy Spirit,
2 Corinthians 4:10
The Gospel, ministered in the power of the Holy Ghost, will always carry a razor sharp cutting edge that will penetrate deep into the epicentre of a man's heart and conscience.
Acts 2:37
To avoid offending the unconverted, many teachers filter the message of the Cross, But it is offensive only to those who are perishing--to those being saved it is the power of God.
1 Corinthians 1:18
The natural man will always shun the idea of living a life of constant obedience to God. But to the true child of God, it is the key to true freedom and a life of joyful purpose.
Deuteronomy 28:1
Video Messages

Spiritual Backbone - Vicki Wheeldon

Receive the Love of Christ - Les Wheeldon

"We do not... but we see Jesus" - Ron Bailey

Made Rich through His Poverty - Ron Bailey
Click here to see videos at our YouTube channel:
McKenzie Online Fellowship
This section has been created as a number of folk have expressed their desire to provide financial support for the ministry.
A PayPal account in the name of The Fraser Valley Christian Fellowship (known affectionately as McKenzie Fellowship) has been established to receive these gifts. ==>Click below.
We are very grateful to each one choosing to share fellowship with us in this way.
WHERE:Via Zoom (In Your Home!!)
WHEN: Sundays @ 10:30am (Pacific Time - Vancouver)
WHY: Enjoy fellowship with wonderful folk from around the world
Join Bob Jones as he ministers in Hymns and Choruses
Be Refreshed, Encouraged and Challenged by the Rich Ministry
HOW: Complete the information box below and the link will be forwarded to you.
If you have any questions please contact Peter Boyle by using the message box at the end of this page.